Python unittest: Show log on test failure

I found it surprisingly hard to determine in tearDown() whether or not the test that currently ran succeeded or not. I am writing some tests for gnome-settings-daemon and want to show the log output of the daemon if a test failed.

I now cobbled together the following hack, but I wonder if there’s a more elegant way? The interwebs don’t seem to have a good solution for this either.

def tearDown(self):
        # collect log, run() shows it on failures
        with open( as f:
            self.log_output =

    def run(self, result=None):
        '''Show log output on failed tests'''

        if result:
            orig_err_fail = result.errors + result.failures
        if result and result.errors + result.failures > orig_err_fail:
            print('\n----- daemon log -----\n%s\n------\n' % self.log_output)